3 FREE Services you can Access WITHOUT a Diagnosis! | CareGen
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3 FREE Services you can Access WITHOUT a Diagnosis!

3 FREE Services you can Access WITHOUT a Diagnosis!

One thing that parents always ask us is…where can they go to find support? Especially whilst waiting on a waiting list for an Autism Assessment! There appears to be very little support services in the UK even after getting the diagnosis, however there are even less services available for families that are still waiting for an assessment. This is why we at CareGen have compiled 3 services that you can access without a Diagnosis.


Need support? Why not book into one of our FREE Clinical Appointments at CareGen to speak with an Autism Specialist? Just click here!




SENDIASS are an amazing service and have supported lots of families in getting support at school. They are a nationwide service so there should be a branch within your local authority that you can access. Many families access this service if they feel like their child is struggling at school. This is regardless of if they have a diagnosis or not as it is based on the child’s needs. Therefore, this is a service that we always recommend to families if they are struggling with getting the support they need for their child at school.

The main thing about accessing support from SENDIASS is that if your child is recognised by school as having additional needs (not diagnosis specific) then you can access this service. If you’re finding it difficult to get school to listen to your concerns then it might be time to get SENDIASS involved by accessing their website and finding your local branch.


Clinical Appointments with CareGen

This is a relatively new service that we at CareGen have started offering. As we are a clinician led service, we have always wanted to be as accessible to families as possible. This is why we started offering FREE Clinical Appointments with an Autism Specialist to families that are struggling. Families get a 30-minute appointment with a specialist at CareGen where they can discuss any concerns they may have, like your GP’s telephone clinic. All you need to do is go on the CareGen website, go to the make a booking page and choose a date and time that suits you for a clinician to call you.

These appointments could be used to talk about any difficulties that you may be experiencing with your child. This can range from sensory difficulties to emotional regulation issues. All our clinicians work within Autism service in both NHS and private services so have the experience and knowledge to help you in whatever you need. The only requirements are that you are UK based and your child is over 4 years old.


National Autistic Society Helplines

This is another service that you can access that could offer support. At the time of writing this article, there were a lot of helplines that had been shut down, however they are still running in some areas of the UK. Nevertheless, you don’t need a diagnosis to access the support offered by the National Autistic Society, especially within their website.

We always recommend exploring the events that the National Autistic Society put on in different areas of the UK. This offers parents access to speak with other families in similar situations and to get that sense of community that can almost be lost whilst fighting for your child. In addition, we always find that by having a network of other families in your situation, this provides some level of comfort as the worst part about being on a waiting list for your child is feeling alone. By accessing support from the National Autistic Society, these feelings will hopefully subside.  


Need support? Why not book into one of our FREE Clinical Appointments at CareGen to speak with an Autism Specialist? Just click here!