Is My Child Autistic? | CareGen
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Is My Child Autistic?

Is My Child Autistic?

We always hear from parents that they always knew that their child was autistic, and this may confuse other parents that are just starting their assessment journey. No one ever asks the specifics of when you knew your child was autistic or what were the early signs. That’s why, in this article we aim to provide some clarity on some signs to look out for if you suspect your child is on the Autism Spectrum. 


Please note that if you suspect your child may have autism, then please either contact your local GP or book a free clinical appointment with an Autism specialist at CareGen by clicking here. 


Delayed in speech

One of the main early indicators that your child may be on the spectrum is if there is a significant delay in your child speech. In many cases, your health visitor or another professional (e.g school) would most likely have picked up on your child’s delayed speech. It may be that your child has said a few words, however isn’t speaking in full sentences yet which could also be a cause for concern.

If you as a parent are in this situation, then it may be time to contact your GP and get a referral to an autism assessment. In addition, it may be beneficial to ask either GP or school to also make a referral to a speech and language therapist to support with speech development.


Difficulties developing friendships 

Another sign of possible Autism is if your child is consistently finding it difficult to make friends. This can be during their time at Nursery or when they began primary school. You might find that your child always wants to control the play of others and this is what is causing difficulties in developing and maintaining friendships. 

One strategy for parents in this situation could be to sit down with your child’s school SENCO and see if there are any nurture groups that your child could be a part of. This could support your child in developing their interaction skills with their peers and ultimately supporting their ability to develop and maintain friendships.


Need for routine

This is probably the biggest sign that your child may be on the spectrum. Most children like to have a routine, however most parents that subsequently get a diagnosis for their child, have a distinct memory of their child being especially regimented. This isn’t to say that any child that likes a routine must be on the spectrum, however if you’re noticing that your child is having an adverse reaction to any changes to routine, it may be time to explore further support. 

If you’re a parent in this situation, then you may want to explore strategies such as visual timetables and "now and next" cards. It may also be worth contacting your child’s school to see if there are any major events coming up in your child school life to best prepare them of possible changes in routine for those days.


If you’re still struggling and would like further support, then why not book a FREE Clinical Appointment with an Autism specialist at CareGen? Just click here and book a date and time that suits you via our online calendar booking system.